Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Swot Analysis On Dunkin Donuts

the streets against
mangy pigeons kissing their kids with tender wounds rasguñones
in concrete, surrounded by mirrors

grains trapped in echoes,
seems that everything has stayed in a city

being here is not here.
be here without being there is not room.
be thinking about being somewhere
is not to be.
be no
not be thinking about is to be, be there! They wait impatiently

dog cries to the throats of drivers
angry eyes of the night shot as
the old man to his kidney stone pedestal
or your pendulum still.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Can I Put Funds On My Biolife Card

curtains / intellectualism

my dog \u200b\u200bmy glasses smashed

to bite. Retrieved

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Peliculas Travestis Com

Myth of Aristophanes

from Plato's Symposium, Aristophanes tells us about a beautiful myth of the origin of Love

"First, three were the sexes of men, not two as now, male and female, but there was also a third that was common to these two, which endures even the name, even though he is gone. The androgynous (male-female), in effect, was then one thing on figure and name, who participated in sexes, male and female but now is nothing but a name that lies in disgrace. Secondly, the figure of each individual was completely spherical, back and sides in a circle, had four arms and an equal number of legs than arms, and two faces on a circular neck, equal in everything, and one head, one on these two faces, located in opposite directions, and also four ears, two sexual organs and everything else as can be imagined according to the described here. Also walked upright, as now, either way I wanted, but every time it went to run fast, just as now acrobats tumble spinning their legs up to vertical position, spinning rapidly advancing, supported by the eight members who had then.

were three sexes, and of such characteristics for the following reason: it was in the beginning male descendant of the sun, the feminine of the earth, and what was involved in both of the moon because the moon also participates as a and the other. And just were circular themselves and their way forward to be like their parents. And there were terrible for their strength and vigor, and had great pride, to the point that threatened the gods. And what Homer says Esfialtes Oto and it is said also them, they tried to ascend to the sky to attack the gods. Then Zeus and other gods deliberated what to do with them, and were in a dilemma, since neither could kill or get rid of their race, the lightning glared as the giants disappear because then the honors and sacrifices that Men are taxed, nor allowed to continue being arrogant. After much thought, Zeus finally had an idea and said: "I think I have a ploy to continue having men and stop being arrogant, to be weaker. Now, in effect," he continued, "I will cut them in two each, and so will be at the same time weaker and more useful to us, having increased their numbers.

walk upright on two legs, but if we still think they are arrogant and unwilling to stay calm, back again, "said the cut in two, so that advance on one leg, hopping on one leg ". That said, the men was cut in two, like cutting the grass and dry them or cutting the mane eggs. And anyone who was cut, ordered Apollo to give him the back to the face and neck in the middle of the cutting direction so that, looking at his isolation, the man was more moderate and also ordered him to heal the rest. Apollo was going around the face and skin picking up the leftovers from everywhere in what we now call belly, like the bags closed with twine, tied by a single hole in the middle of the belly, navel precisely what they call . As for the rest of wrinkles, those are mostly smoothed, and shaped the chest using an instrument similar to that used by shoemakers to smooth wrinkles on the last of hides. But left a few, which are around the same belly and navel, so that they were a reminder of what once happened.

Thus, once the nature of this being was cut in two, each party threw less than its half, and met with her, around her arms, hugged one to the other, wanting to be a single nature, and died of hunger and their absolute downtime, not wanting to do anything to each separate of others. And every time one of the halves died and survived the other, looking for surviving another and hugged her, and tripped with a woman half whole-precisely what we now call woman, already half a man, and thus perished. But Zeus took pity and other resources are managed, moved his genitals to the front (because until then the outside also had and bred and gave birth no one in others, but on earth, like cicadas).'s moved, then, in this way to the front and led them through the design took place on themselves through the male in female, so that, if the man was embracing a woman, and there continued to be engendered species, whereas if it was man to man, have at least full contact, relax, pay attention to their work and deal with the other things in life ... "

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La Manzana

The apple